Due to inclement weather, all locations will be closed January 1, 2024.

News & Events

HCHC Has Again Received Grant Through the American Cancer Society From the National Football League Foundation

We’re hosting Ladies’ Night-Out in the Hilltowns to educate why regular screening and early detection are crucial to successful treatment of breast cancer. Please join us at the Chester Common Table Restaurant, 30 Main Street in Chester on Tuesday, October 25, 2016 from 5-8pm for food, music and fun.

HCHC has again received a grant through the American Cancer Society from the National Football League Foundation to increase the number of women, age 50 -75, who are staying current with their screenings for detection of breast cancer. Our sponsoring team for this project is, of course, our own New England Patriots. We are very pleased that the NFL has recognized that breast cancer screening is a very important health issue for women and that their foundation is supporting this nation-wide effort to get more women screened.

This crucial catch counts! At this event you’ll be able to schedule a mammogram at one of our hospital partners and receive a $20 gas gift card to help with your travel costs to get to your appointment. Health insurance navigators will also be on hand to help you get started on the application process for insurance, if you are not currently insured.

We also want to pcrucial-catch-photo-date-and-invite-onlyamper you a bit for attending the event! Included, at no charge to you, in the evening’s event are:

  • Free buffet dinner for you and a guest
  • Free chair massage
  • Free gift bags and New England Patriots goodies
  • Bocci court
  • Live music
  • Cash bar available

This is a free event for women, ages 50 – 75, who haven’t had a mammogram recently and want to find out more information and to learn about scheduling one.

We hope that you will join us as we confront this health issue, and learn more about how you can reduce your risk for breast cancer or find it early. It just might be the beginning of your crucial catch!

Please R.S.V.P. by Thursday, October 20th to: Diane Meehan, dmeehan@hchcweb.org, (413) 667-2203 ext. 320 or Janet Dimock, jdimock@hchcweb.org, (413) 238-5511 ext. 149.


We’d like your feedback!

We encourage your feedback regarding the care you’re receiving. Please help us make sure we’re meeting your needs and let us know what you’d like to see improved. Please take a minute to share your experiences at HCHC.

Request an Appointment

To make an appointment, please call (413) 238-5511 or complete the form below:

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