HealthWise is HCHC’s integrated Care Management program. This program helps individuals define strategies and access resources that will help with their goals. Are you struggling with managing your health, living situation, employment, tobacco cessation, food access or other factors that might impact your wellbeing?
Would you like to create an exercise plan? Lose weight? Manage your diabetes? Start a walking routine? Quit smoking? Improve your nutrition? HealthWise is here to help!
At Health Wise we have Community Health Workers (CHWs) who can meet with you in our offices or at your home. Our CHWs provide support and guidance as you work toward improving your health and well-being.
Progress is individually paced and the goals and tasks are reviewed, revised, and re-evaluated regularly.
Health Wise is designed for patients to be pro-active in managing their own health care. We have a lending library of books, CDs, and DVDs and individualized support materials to help you with your progress.
HealthWise is:
- A free program for all ages
- Open to all individuals in our service area
- Flexible to meet individual health needs
- A way to explore your options for better health
- Not time-limited; make as many appointments as needed
Programs are generously supported through grants administered by United Way of Hampshire and Franklin Counties, MA Department of Public Health, the Massachusetts League of Community Health Centers, Community Development Block Grants through the towns of Chester and Chesterfield, Highland Valley Elder Services and Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA).